Mostly finished the refurbishment of our 1948 Cessna 170 Rag-wing. The plan was to make it airworthy and as pretty as possible in not more than 500 hours; we stopped logging hours some time ago! Famous last estimates and all … Now that’s done we wet rent it to carefully chosen taildragger pilots! In a couple of years we’ll think about repainting her, but for observation at more than 20ft, it’s a perfectly adequate paint job!
It’s nerdy but important to note the difference between renovation (make new) and restoration (put back like it was). We are working to get her safely flying and fly her. She is not show-plane pretty and not everything went back original, especially the panel. She does not fly on the C170 certificate of airworthiness, but rather on a permit-to-fly specific to this aircraft. This is a process managed by ILAS under IAA oversight, in many ways (but not all) similar to Experimental via EAA under FAA oversight in the US.
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